Foto (c) Helen Ree
Foto (c) Christian Glaus
Standbild - Film (c) Marius Morger
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Brigitte Heusser

Working with Movement :: Profound. Sustainable. Therapeutic.


  • cert. Feldenkrais® Practitioner SFV

  • Feldenkrais® Training for Working with Children

  • Sounder Sleep System™ Sleep Coach

  • CAS Dance Science: Motor Learning & Training, Unibe

  • Professional background in contemporary dance and extensive experience in aikido martial arts

  • I am a Feldenkrais® practitioner, Sounder Sleep System™ Sleep Coach and movement teacher with a CAS in Dance Science: Motor Learning & Training from the Institute of Sports Science at the University of Bern.
  • Since 2006, I have been teaching the Feldenkrais Method, as well as occasionally teaching dance classes (contemporary dance, improvisation) and Aikitaisō.
  • I started with movement when I was about 7 years old. To improve my poor gross motor coordination, I was sent to rhythm classes (now called Music & Movement).
  • For 25 years now, I have been working professionally with movement. In addition to my Feldenkrais® training, I have a professional background in contemporary dance and have practiced Aikidō intensively for over 10 years. Past stage projects in contemporary dance, improvisation and Butō complement my professional and movement experience.
  • I primarily work with children who have special needs and their parents, dancers, musicians, and anyone who is willing to take an active role in their own self-care and well-being.
    My focus is on helping these individuals realize their full potential.
  • In 2012 I founded the beWEGungsRAUM in Winterthur (CH), the ideal place for Feldenkrais® private lessons and small groups.
  • Starting in 2024, I design courses under the title “Sensing, Listening, Moving”, a movement training based on the Feldenkrais Method, supplemented with approaches from Aikidō.
  • I am a certified member of the Swiss Feldenkrais Association SFV and registered with the Feldenkrais Method at EMR, ASCA, Visana and EGK.
  • Languages: Swiss German, German, French and English. I understand a little bit Bosnian.

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* von beWEGungsRAUM Brigitte Heusser und ZeBES, Zentrum für Bewegung, Entwicklung und Schlaf