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Feldenkrais® for Children and Adults

The Feldenkrais® Method

  • Using touch, movement and directing attention, I create a learning process that helps you or your child’s brain and nervous system to do what it cannot do on its own.
  • As you or your child learns new ways of moving and perceiving, new neuronal pathways develop in the brain and nervous system.
  • This process allows your child to develop step by step, at their own pace and according to their abilities. And it allows adults to find new, easier ways of moving to reduce pain and improve balance, coordination and mental well-being.

Parental Testimonials

“Since the lesson, my daughter makes more of an effort and doesn't give up as easily as she used to. She is livelier and has started to communicate much more. She comments on everything she does, which she never used to do before.”

Mother of a 16 years old with Trisomy 21, half a year after one Feldenkrais Lesson
"Before the Feldenkrais lessons my son was making little progress and I was worried. After only three Feldenkrais lessons he made an amazing leap in development. Even the speech therapist was impressed."

Mother of 3-year-old with delayed speech
"When we started Feldenkrais, my son's spasticity (6 years old at the time) was very severe. He was stiff as a board and not comfortable in the prone position. Now he is much more flexible, finds comfort in different positions, has more control over his head and intentions, i.e. purposeful movements are recognizable."

Mother of a boy with severe cerebral palsy
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When should you consider using the Feldenkrais® Method?

  • For children from infancy with delayed or restricted movement development, for example due to neurological or genetic causes.
  • For adults, e.g. with neurological findings, restricted movement, pain or in rehabilitation after an accident or operation.
  • Having a diagnosis is not a prerequisite for Feldenkrais® lessons.


  • My private practice is located in Winterthur CH. Appointments on request.
  • I regularly travel to Mostar, BiH. See the following page for current dates:


  • E-Mail: info (at)

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* von beWEGungsRAUM Brigitte Heusser und ZeBES, Zentrum für Bewegung, Entwicklung und Schlaf